We can’t see God. But we know He is everywhere. We can’t see air. But we know it’s everywhere. We can’t see drugs in day-to-day life. But we don’t know that it’s everywhere. Rampantly. Aggressively. Deathly. Cocaine and Meow Meow are now the average teenager’s cup of coffee. The slang on the streets for the users is ‘Cokadia’.


Charsi or drug addict is the common term used for drug and substance users. But charas, weed, goli, grass and hash, are all kindergarten stuff compared to the substances available. Mephedrone or M-Cat or Meow Meow is made, not just in isolated labs of industrial units, but also in residential buildings. Once the chemicals are procured, at least 1,000 kg of the drug is made in a single day from small facilities and transported. It looks like cocaine, but is way cheaper than cocaine or heroin. While cocaine and heroin cost Rs 1.5 crore per kilo, MD fetches Rs 20 lakh per kg, depending on its purity. Being the poor man’s cocaine, this is the most popular drug among the youth. Most night club toilets are used extensively by the Cokadias. Then the fun times begin. Or do they?

You will be very surprised to know it’s not just the youth, but also a lot of high-class rich people also are ‘Cokadias’. Every city has the suburbs and then the upper section of the city. For example, Upper Mumbai, Upper Delhi. Here you can find more Cokadias than anywhere else (after all cocaine is also an upper)! What they don’t realise that it will not be very long where from upper, they will reach oopar.. There is also a new self-realisation drug, if you can believe. DMT . It gives you hallucinations, euphoria and some claim to experience past life. What most don’t realise that it finishes you in this life.

In schools, colleges, social gatherings, urban areas, rural areas the Average Citizen is turning into a Cokadia….ie A.C. Cokadia. The amount of money spent on drug awareness by NGOs and the government yearly is not even half of what is spent by drug addicts in a day to buy them. Be afraid.