Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board is all set to release the UP Teachers Eligibility Test Admit Card today i.e. October 30.


Those interested in acquiring their admit cards can visit this website.

The examinations will be held on November 18, and the official answer key will be out on November 20.

One can object against the answer key up to November 23, and the final answer key will be out on November 30. Results will be declared on December 8.

A total of 18,25,036 candidates have applied for the exams.

The UPTET exam is scheduled to take place in two sessions on 28 October, with the morning session (10 am to 12.30 pm) reserved for the candidates appearing for the 'Primary' level exam, and the afternoon session (2.30 pm to 5 pm) reserved for the 'Upper Primary' level exam.

It is expected that the result of the UPTET exam will be announced on 20 November. The answer key for the exam will be uploaded on the official website on 29 October, 2018 just a day after the exam.