Hemant qualified for this year's UPSC Civil Services with an All India Rank of 884. While this may not sound exceptional, his journey is truly extraordinary. To fully appreciate and value his story, let's delve deeper into the challenges he overcame and the grit and perseverance he displayed.


Hailing from the small village of Biran in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan, Hemant's mother worked as a MGNREGA worker, a scheme providing basic livelihood security in rural areas while his father is a priest in the village. Additionally, Hemant faced the challenge of being disabled, with one of his hands not functional.

But what ignited his desire to become a top bureaucrat and crack the UPSC Civil Services exam? Hemant vividly recalls an incident where his mother was denied her fair wage of Rs. 220 by local contractors. Despite his efforts to seek justice through government offices, Hemant encountered ridicule and rejection. One sentence uttered by a contractor, 'tu kahin ka collector hai kya' (Are you a district collector?), deeply impacted young Hemant. A young Hemant by then did not even know who a collector was, thought that the contractor was referring to a bus conductor. Hemant read and enquired about the office of IAS and decided to become a civil servant to prevent such injustices from recurring. This initial drive for justice for his parents evolved into a broader mission to advocate for the rights of the poor and vulnerable.

Determined to pursue his goal, Hemant embarked on the challenging journey of cracking one of the world's most difficult exams, despite having very limited resources. He dedicated long hours to studying in his college library until midnight every day, covering essential subjects like polity and history.

Realizing that he needed to crack the exam without the resources for formal coaching, Hemant's passion and dedication attracted support from within his community, providing him with the financial means to relocate to Delhi, specifically Patel Nagar, a hub for aspiring civil servants.

In Patel Nagar's library, Hemant crossed paths with Divyanshi Lehri, a fellow aspirant, who introduced him to the Daily News Simplified classes on YouTube  which Rau’s IAS Study Circle conducts freely to assist UPSC aspirants nationwide prepare for Current Affairs. Hemant religiously followed DNS for two years on his phone, using it to meticulously prepare notes for various sections of the GS syllabus. This, coupled with his mastery of core subjects, aided him in clearing the prelims and feeling confident in the GS Mains. Hemant is so thankful to the DNS initiative, that in an interview with the Rau’s IAS Study Circle, he said that now when he visits any school in his neighbourhood, he asks the students aspiring to become civil servants to just follow the DNS on Youtube.

Though initially doubtful about his chances in the mains exam, Hemant was elated to see his name on the list of candidates eligible for interviews. Despite concerns about his humble education impacting his interview performance, Hemant sought guidance from Rau's IAS Study Circle, where he received free UPSC interview mentorship from Puneet, a member of the Academic team. Together, they worked on refining Hemant's interview skills, resulting in commendation from UPSC board members.

Upon seeing the final results, Hemant was overcome with tears of joy, with his family sharing in his happiness. His aspirations extend beyond personal success; he aims to ensure his parents have a comfortable life and is committed to working for the marginalised sections and the vulnerable, particularly in rural areas, as he recognizes education as a transformative tool for them.

The takeaway from Hemant's journey to success in the UPSC exam is clear: the UPSC Civil Services exam is one of the most democratic and fairly conducted exams in the country. With dedication, honesty, and hard work, anyone can qualify. Furthermore, Hemant's story exemplifies that when one pursues something earnestly, support will emerge in various forms often unanticipated, leading to success. More than challenges, what yields is honest effort and dedication.