After a long wait of 6 years, Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has released the cut off list for the post of constables and similar categories from 2013. 


The examination was conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board in 2013. In 2015, the board released the result for 3,295 vacancies which were challenged by some candidates in the court.

The UPPRPB cut-off 2019 for remaining posts was released by Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board on its official website

Category and the Cut-off:

General – 313.616

OBC – 307.233

SC – 283.4033

ST – 247.2333

Here's how you can check your cut-off

1. Visit the official website-

2. Click on UPPRPB cut-off 2019 for the remaining constable recruitment posts

3. Check your name on the list

5. Download it and take a printout for future use

Candidates who have qualified and met the cut off requirement should keep their documents handy as they will be called in for document verification and medical tests.

About Police Recruitment And Promotion Board, Lucknow

Vision: UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is committed to being a leader in recruitment, through impartial and objective methodology, adopting transparent processes, innovative technological applications, continuous evolution, and growth.

Mission: UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is committed to providing services that are appropriate to the needs of the police force based on its requirements to meet the challenges of the millennium.

Founding Principles:

* To adopt and implement procedures that are fair, impartial, transparent, non-discretionary, and non-discriminatory. 

* To inculcate a work culture of truthfulness, conscientious professionalism, responsibility, accountability, mutual trust and respect amongst one another and upholding the highest core values of reliability and work ethos. 

* To achieve the goals, we strive to work as a team within the Board and in collaboration with other agencies, making use of their abilities, diverse experiences and skills in human resource management.