Prominent student unions in the city have decided to protest at the University of Mumbai if it delays the work of onscreen evaluation any further. Results of several undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University are likely to be delayed until August 2017 as the work of onscreen evaluation of answer sheets has failed to gain pace.


As per university sources, only 10 per cent of the close to 19 lakh answer sheets have been evaluated so far which means that the results are most likely to be delayed further.

Student unions have now decided to pressurise the University officials to speed up the process so that students are not affected due to delays in the declaration of results. "We are going to organise a massive protest in the next few days condemning this lax approach of the University officials. Students should not suffer due to the policy changes of the University," said Rohit Chandede, Secretary, ABVP Mumbai division.

The University appointed an agency on April 28 after a long delay owing to few bidders for the process. However, almost a month after the process was kickstarted, the University has only been successful in scanning answer sheets while the work of evaluation has not caught pace. Also, the University's Centralised Admission Process (CAP) centres are struggling to get teachers to evaluate papers as most teachers are on their vacations.

The delays in streamlining the process of evaluation will mean that lakhs of students are likely to lose their jobs, higher education opportunities, thus having to lose a year.