When it comes to cracking the UPSC exam, the mantra of success is different for everyone and the journey they come from is always different and full of challenges. Cracking UPSC is all about smartwork and strategizing. Today, we will be talking about a candidate who used a very unique approach to crack one of India's toughest exams.


In a remarkable tale of determination, today we share with you the inspiring journey of Devyani Singh, who has achieved the prestigious rank of an IRS officer. 

Hailing from Haryana, Devyani's success story is truly extraordinary. She dedicated two days a week to study, passing the UPSC exam and securing a government position.

Devyani completed her 10th and 12th education at a school in Chandigarh. In 2014, she graduated in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani's Goa campus. 

Soon after that she began her journey and started preparing for the UPSC exam.

Devyani faced numerous challenges in passing the UPSC exams. Despite consecutive failures in 2015, 2016, and 2017, she refused to give up and went on with her hard work.

In 2018, she finally cracked the UPSC exam, securing All India Rank (AIR) 222. Her selection led her to the Central Audit Department, where she began her training. Balancing the training with UPSC exam preparation, Devyani's determination shone through.

In 2019, she achieved AIR 11, achieving her dream of becoming an IRS officer. Juggling a busy training schedule, she dedicated weekends to preparing for the UPSC exams, showcasing her unwavering commitment.