One of the hardest tests to pass in India is the UPSC. A person must dedicate several hours of study time to pass the civil service exam. Thousands of applicants attempt to sit for the exams to become IRS, IPS, IFS, and IAS each year.


Few of them make it through the most difficult exam. IPS Kamyaa Misra is one UPSC exam achiever. Odisha native Kamyaa Mishra has gained national recognition for her achievement in passing the coveted UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam on her first try. Her journey serves as an example of commitment and diligence.

Who is IPS Kamyaa Misra?

Kamyaa, who is from Odisha, has always been a bright student. She achieved an outstanding 98.6 points in class 12 to become the regional topper. When she finished her 12th grade, Kamya enrolled at Delhi University. This is where she finished her studies at the esteemed Lady Shri Ram College. She took the decision to prepare for the UPSC exams during her graduation.

Clearing the UPSC exam requires multiple attempts, despite its reputation as a very challenging exam. But Kamya showed her abilities and passed the test on her first try. She was chosen for the Indian Police Service in 2019 after placing AIR 172 in the UPSC exam.

Media reports stated that she was only 22 years old. She was initially assigned to the Himachal cadre but was subsequently moved to the Bihar cadre. In 2021, she wed Awadhesh Saroj, an IPS officer from Bihar cadre. They both tied the knot in Udaipur. Awadhesh has graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.