UPSC candidates from all walks of life, wealthy or not, work extremely hard to pass the UPSC test, one of the most difficult exams and interviews in India. Each year, millions of candidates sit for the examinations after years of intense preparation, but only a small number are ultimately selected. The only thing that could help UPSC candidates pass the IAS exam is a calculated combination of direction, diligence, and determination. 


In addition to hard work and dedication, these candidates look up to those who have passed these tests and gone on to have respectable careers. Varun Baranwal had an amazing journey, having chosen to leave school at a young age due to the death of his father.

His aspirations to become an IAS officer, however, were not well-supported by many people. After taking the UPSC IAS 2016 exam and placing 32nd, Baranwal became an IAS officer, using his poverty as a teaching tool.

Coming from the small Maharashtra village of Boisar in the Palghar district, IAS official Varun Baranwal had always wanted to become a doctor. Varun's father was a bicycle mechanic who also owned a small business repairing bicycles. His father worked very hard to ensure that his children received a good education.

Varun's father repaired bikes, and that was their only source of income. Varun decided to run the company and take care of his family after his father passed away. Varun Baranwal had still excelled academically in the tenth exam despite everything. 

A later time, Varun's mother took over the store and told him to finish school. To enrol in class eleven, he required a substantial amount of money, which he did not have. Thank goodness, however, the physician who had attended to his father decided to sponsor his education and promptly contributed Rs 10,000.

After finishing his studies, Varun decided to follow his passion and enrolled in medical school. But since a medical degree was expensive, he chose to concentrate on engineering. Varun worked hard during his first term of engineering school to earn a scholarship from MIT College Pune after being accepted. Thanks to a school scholarship, he was able to complete his engineering coursework.

He received his engineering degree and got a job at an MNC. Varun's family urged him to continue working for the MNC, but he was more interested in a career in government service. NGOs helped him out by providing reading materials so he could prepare for the test. With everyone's help, he was able to pass the exam and was made an IAS officer.