Many aspirants from all over India set out each year to prepare for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam, which is undoubtedly one of the hardest exams in the nation. Their goals are high, with the desire to join esteemed organisations like the Indian Police Service (IPS) or the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). But getting past the UPSC's intense selection process is no easy feat—very few candidates are able to move on from the preliminary exam to the main exam and, eventually, the interview round.


Consider how about the situation facing IAS candidate Shruti Sharma, whose commitment and tenacity represent the struggles and victories of many in this endeavour. Even though she gave her entire preparation her all, fate cruelly dealt her a cruel blow because she missed the interview call by the narrowest of margins—just one mark. Her determination could have been easily broken by the agony of such a near miss. Nevertheless, Shruti overcame hardship by utilising the disappointment as fuel for her will to reach new heights.

Unfazed by her first failure, Shruti set out on a new adventure driven by unwavering determination. She reached the pinnacle of success, earning the coveted All India Rank (AIR)-1 in her second attempt, which is a testament to her tenacity and unwavering spirit. Aspirants across the country find inspiration and hope in her incredible journey from the edge of disappointment to the pinnacle of achievement.

Shruti Sharma, who grew up in the quiet Uttar Pradesh district of Bijnor, attended several esteemed universities during her academic career, including Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi's Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, and Delhi University's St. Stephen's College. Nonetheless, her innate vocation for serving the public spirited her into the esteemed halls of the Jamia Millia Islamia Residential Coaching Academy, where she refined her abilities and fostered her dreams.

Shruti's preparation schedule was the epitome of careful thought and commitment. She concentrated on taking notes for herself and practiced writing responses. She also read widely about current events and explored a wide range of information sources, from credible websites to the printed pages of newspapers. In addition to highlighting the value of consistent practice, she wisely counsels other candidates to use coaching notes and online test series as indispensable resources in their quest for achievement.

Shruti Sharma's story is ingrained in UPSC legend as a tribute to the human spirit's ability to overcome obstacles and hardship in order to succeed. Aspirants can find guidance from her journey from the edge of despair to the pinnacle of achievement, illuminating the path towards fulfilling their dreams of serving the country through the prestigious corridors of the civil services.