It is the dream of millions of Indians to crack Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams and becoming an IAS or IPS officer. Over 10 lakh students from across the country appear for UPSC exam every year and only a few hundred of them succeed in cracking UPSC exam and go on to become IAS officer. In this article, we will talk about IAS officer Anu Kumari, who was a mother to a toddler when she cracked UPSC exam in 2017 and got AIR 2.


IAS officer Anu Kumari hails from Sonipat in Haryana. She has graduated with BSc (Hons) in Physics from Delhi University and has done an MBA (Finance and Marketing) from IMT, Nagpur.

IAS officer Anu Kumari used to work with a private company and was getting a good salary when she decided to quit the job and pursue her dream of becoming an IAS officer. “My job was good, but there was no internal satisfaction. It all became so mechanical that at one point I could not take it anymore,” she was quoted as saying by The Hindustan Times.

After marriage, IAS officer Anu Kumari took transfer to Gurgaon. Few days after marriage, she left her job and started preparing for UPSC exam. So many people suggested she drop this idea of appearing for UPSC but she didn’t listen to anyone as it was her dream to become an IAS officer.

For about two years when Anu Kumari was preparing for UPSC exam she stayed away from her son.

Anu Kumari broke down when she failed in her first attempt to crack UPSC exam but she didn’t give up. In her second attempt, she secured All India Rank 2 and fulfilled her dream of becoming an IAS officer in 2017.