Dedicated preparation and perseverance help UPSC candidates pass one of the hardest exams. If you have passion for something, achieving any goal becomes effortless. Passing the UPSC Civil Services Examination is a difficult and drawn-out process.


In a three-round exam, only those who prepare thoroughly succeed. Garima Lohia, who scored highly in the UPSC 2022 and received an AIR 2, is one such UPSC topper.

Who is Garima Lohia?

Bihari native Garima Lohia grew up in a business family and was born in Buxar. She enjoys listening to podcasts about self-improvement. Garima, who placed second in the UPSC CSE 2022, attended Kirori Mal College at Delhi University, where she received her accounting degree in 2020.

Garima Lohia dedicated herself entirely to self-study during the time that COVID-19 brought the nation to a complete halt. Garima prepared for one of the hardest exams in India by making the most of the internet resources available, including watching YouTube. Nine years ago, Garima's father passed away in an unfortunate incident.

She studied for the online test while staying at home and didn't sign up for a tutoring program during this time. However, she did not pass the preliminary exam in her initial attempt of 2021. She consequently increased the length of her study sessions and started studying for nearly 12 hours every day.

By getting AIR 2 on her second try, she managed to surpass herself and achieve a new level of success. Her elective for the Civil Services Exam was accounting of commerce. "I studied by staying at home," she said. She used to study from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. because there were no outside distractions during that time.