Haryana Staff Selection Commission or HSSC has uploaded the admit cards for the written exams for recruitment of sub-inspectors in the state. The examination which is for both male and female candidates will be held on December 2. 


It should be remembered that HSSC will not be making any separate communication with the students as of now, apart from uploading the admit card. The HSSC SI Exam will be held in two phases on December 2. 

Apart from candidates for SI, HSSC is also hiring candidates for general duties. Those are separate exams scheduled in the latter half of December. To download the admit card, candidates need to log on to hryssc.in. There they need to log in using the username and password which has been already provided to them. After that, candidates need to furnish their required details to access the admit cards. 

They need to keep the admit card handy and check for any errors which are there that can be corrected by getting in touch with the authorities. 

There is no negative marking in the test and the examination will be held in Hindi. For SI post, graduate level questions will be asked. Successful candidates need to then qualify in physical measurement and physical ability test to qualify.