Chhattisgarh Open School Board has released the revised exam schedule for class 10 and 12. Class 10 examination is scheduled to be conducted from July 1 to July 5 and the class 12 open school examination will be held from June 21 to June 25.


The exam will be held offline mode from home. This year it has been decided to conduct the centre-based Chhattisgarh Open School Examination from home. Students can write the answers in the answer sheets and submit them to the schools within five days. On the day of the examination, students will get question papers and answer sheets from the respective examination centres.

According to the official statement, If the student is unable to collect the question paper from the centre or is unable to submit the answer sheet within five days, they will be treated as absent from the examination. Students will also have to mark their attendance while submitting the answer sheets at the examination centres.

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has conducted class 12 board examinations from June 1. Students will be able to take the class 12 exams while sitting at home. For this, students will receive question papers and answer sheets from their respective centres and will have to submit answer sheets within 05 days of receiving the question paper.

For instance, if a student gets a question paper on June 1 from the centre, then the students have to physically go and submit their answer sheets by June 6 to their schools.