Farookh Rehman has been going home with bloodshot eyes for the past six years. The 24-year-old is worker at one of the biggest container depots in the Capital — the Tughlakabad Inland Container Depot (ICD). Working in extreme weather conditions and amid a large number of trucks carrying toxic chemicals, irritation in eyes is now a part of life for these workers.


"This is how I earn money. Initially, I used to feel pain in my eyes. Visits by so many trucks has made this place a hub of pollutants. In addition, they ferry these harmful chemicals," Rehman said, as he allowed a truck to enter the Inland Container Depot.

Situated near the Okhla Industrial Area in Delhi, the Tughlakabad depot is one of the largest hubs of multi-modal transport in the Indian sub-continent. It was commissioned on September 1, 1993.

Spread over 44 hectares of land, the depot fulfills the needs of importers and exporters in the country. As many as four full-length rail lines have been laid in the Customs area, which bring the containers by train from gateway ports such as Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, and Chennai. Besides, the containers are also brought by road from ports such as Haldia, Kolkata, and Kandla.

Nearly 450 girl students had to be hospitalised on May 6 after a chemical leak at the depot released a large quantity of toxic fumes near two schools in the area.

"There is no time to think about health. I have a family of four to look after. The regular itching and pain has become a part of my life now. There is no remedy for this pain. My salary is not enough to even visit a doctor. I just wash my eyes regularly and come back here next day," said Pappu Singh, who has been working in the depot since 2012.

Risking their lives

  • Chemical chloro methyl pyridine leaked from the Tughlakabad Inland Container Depot truck. It is an eye and respiratory irritant.

Poisoning symptoms:

  • Irritation, redness, and watering of eyes
  • Irritation of skin with redness
  • Respiratory symptoms may include sneezing, coughing, or difficulty in breathing

Doctors’s advice:

  • Do not panic
  • Remove from source of exposure into fresh air or well-ventilated area
  • Remove contaminated clothing
  • Rinse eyes thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
  • Maintain clear airway and ensure adequate ventilation