A 28-year-old Delhi Police Constable was stabbed by three men when he tried to stop them from fleeing with a stolen two wheeler during the wee hours of Thursday. Senior officers said that the Constable fought bravely without letting the trio flee till the reinforcement arrived and held one of the accused.


According to the police, the cop, Jitender Kumar, had received information that three men would arrive in Patel Nagar area on a scooter which they had stolen earlier.

"As he spotted the three men with vehicle, Kumar jumped on them making them fall with the scooter. When he tried to catch two of them, the third took out a knife and threatened Kumar. However, this did not deter him from overpowering the accused. During the scuffle, one of them stabbed Kumar on his back," said a senior police officer.

Onlookers, who had called up the PCR, told police that Kumar, despite bleeding profusely, kept on fighting till the reinforcement arrived. Jitender who hails from Rajasthan was immediately rushed to the hospital.

"He is critically injured and is undergoing treatment in ICU. We are proud of his act. A search for the other two accused has been initiated. Their possible hideouts are being raided," police said.