Twelve days after a rare surgery was conducted to separate them, one of the conjoined twins from Orissa, Jagga, has now started taking liquid diet. He taken off the ventilator six days ago. Also, on Tuesday, Jagga's mother took him out to a corridor for the first time. The other twin, Kalia, is still in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit.


The twins were craniopagus or had their heads attached. Kalia will remain on the ventilator for a few more days, doctors confirmed.

According to a statement released by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS): "Jagga is taking liquid diet orally and he was taken out of the room in to the corridor on Tuesday. Kalia is in the Neuro ICU. He has shown some improvement in the form of movement of limbs. It is likely that Kalia will stay in ICU for a longer period."

In one of the rarest surgeries in the country, the craniopagus twins from Orissa were separated in an 18-hour procedure by a group of 30 specialists. The surgery started on October 25 at 9 am and got over the next day, at 3 am. On October 19, Jagga showed some problem in his heart function and his condition started to deteriorate, after which the surgery was planned.