With Delhi's air quality entering the red zone, the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) came into effect from Tuesday. The plan introduces a series of measures that will be taken based on the severity of air pollution during the winter months.


The Supreme Court-mandated Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) announced the decision following a review meeting in the Capital. "Difficult situations demand tough responses and solutions and the Delhi-NCR region is faced with a really difficult situation each winter when air pollution levels spiral out of control. The EPCA and all other agencies of the government are prepared to take those tough decisions which we believe will help clear the air," said EPCA chairperson Bhure Lal.

Measures under the 'very poor' and 'severe' categories of the plan have come into effect, under which the Badarpur thermal power plant has been closed and diesel generator (DG) sets have been banned in Delhi among other actions.

Not only this, EPCA member Sunita Narain said parking fees may have to be hiked in Delhi, despite the fact that a parking policy is still being worked out, if the air pollution situation aggravates further. Narain said that in case it touches alarming proportions "cars will have to be off the roads"

"Delhi-NCR has a long way to go before it can lay claim to having reasonably clean and breathable air. There are still many challenges that we face and we must continue to take action, which is both short and long term," said Sunita Narain, member of EPCA and director general of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).

In November 2016, the Supreme Court of India had directed the government to frame and implement a Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to control air pollution under various categories of the National Air Quality Index (AQI). The environment ministry notified the Plan on January 17, 2017.

The environment body has also advised residents of Delhi-NCR to use face masks whenever possible. It has also raised concerns over the existing landfill sites in the Capital.

Based on its assessment of the wind direction, the EPCA said that it has predicted October 20, the day after Diwali, will be a very bad day for residents in the Capital in terms of air quality. The wind, according to EPCA, would be south-easterly, which would add moisture to Delhi's air and thereby increase the concentration of pollutants by not letting them disperse.


  • In November 2016, the Supreme Court of India directed the government to frame and implement a Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to control air pollution. The Union environment ministry notified the Plan on January 17, 2017
  • The Plan is designed like a disaster alert system, which directs governments to take tougher and tougher actions based on the level of air pollution
  • From October 17, 2017 to March 15, 2018 the Very Poor and Severe categories will come into force
  • As a part of this, the Badarpur thermal power plant will be closed. In addition, brick kilns, which have not converted to a cleaner zig zag technology, will be shut down