The Delhi government on Monday reviewed the measured being adopted for preventing the use of non-compostable, plastic of less than 50 micron thickness. The Environment Minister Imran Hussain wanted to know a comprehensive action plan for ensuring that use of non-biodegradable plastic is kept in check.


Minister Husain had expressed the concern over inaction on the part of the concerned agencies which has resulted in widespread use of non-compostable plastic especially of thickness less than 50 microns which is otherwise of no recyclable value.

During the meeting, the officers informed the Minister that concerted and coordinated measures are needed to be taken on regular basis by the various agencies charged with this responsibility. The National Green Tribunal has also recently banned the use of light weight plastic bags in Delhi and has sought action plan from all the concerned agencies for strict enforcement. The NGT has ordered recovery of Rs 5,000 per default as environment compensation.