A ground staffer at the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) has registered a complaint with the Delhi Police, alleging that one of her senior colleagues inside T3 has been pressurising her for sexual favours. The complainant claimed that she has been facing this harassment for the last three months, and that the colleague has been threatening her that she might lose her job for turning him down.


An FIR on the basis of her complaint was registered at the IGI police station on Monday, senior police officials said. In the complaint dated February 4, the woman alleged that her duty manager had been asking her for sexual favours for some time now.

The woman has been working in the aviation industry for the last three years. She also said that when she resisted, the man told her that many others have been shunted from the company for turning him down and that she may face a similar fate.

"The woman said the continuous obscene requests and the harassment landed her in depression and even prompted her to contemplate suicide," the officer said. The complainant has also sent a copy of the complaint to the DIG, CISF at the airport and manager in-charge of T3, along with the Delhi Police.

"The matter is being looked into from all possible angles and the complainant's statement has been recorded. Initially, we have lodged an FIR against the accused for misusing his position. Further sections will be added as need be. The woman's allegations are also being verified," a senior police officer said.