The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday gathered to show solidarity in fighting against crime in the capital where Delhi Law Minister Somnath Bharti said that the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had pimps sitting in their party.


Commenting on the reaction on the raid conducted by him, Bharti asked if the party leaders wanted to serve the criminals coming from foreign countries or their own public.

“Are they our leaders or of those criminals coming from outside? It is not my fault if there are pimps sitting in the Congress and the BJP,” said Bharti.

“I feel like spitting on the face of leaders like Arun Jaitley who do not care about their own public being affected by drug intakes,” he said.

“A lot of leaders from both the parties called me up and complaint for setting high standards for politicians after the raid,” he added.

He further said that both the parties make money by playing divide and rule politics.

“They are accustomed to making money by vote bank politics. The kind of situation that has built up in the country is because of the BJP and Congress playing a divide and rule policy,” he said.

“Its time they rise above vote bank politics,” he said.