A 21-year-old girl was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend after the girl's engagement was fixed by the family recently. The incident took place in East Delhi's New Ashok Nagar on Friday.Police said that accused had yet to be taken in for questioning.According to the police, Yogwati Kumari left home around 6 pm on Thursday to purchase some vegetables from the local market. Her boyfriend Arjun alias Bhola who resided in the same block asked her to meet him. Instead of going to the market, the girl reached his residence and did not return home. Being unable to find her, her parents filed a missing complaint at the police station.When the girl did not return home till Friday morning the parents expressed their suspicion on Arjun. The family members than reached his residence and found it locked from outside. The police was informed who then broke open the door and found the body of the girl inside the house."The girl had slit marks on her throat. Her engagement was fixed by her family members. The accused boy did not know about this and when he got to know he called her to his house and later killed her," said a senior police officer.The house where her body was found was rented by Arjun who hails from Bihar. He worked with a private firm in Noida while the girl was doing her graduation through correspondence.