One should not forget what Dhoni has done for the country and Indian cricket. He is such a role model, a motivating and inspiring figure for the youngsters.


Let's leave him alone to announce wherever and whenever he wants to announce his retirement. He is a great source of guidance.

For his performance in the World Cup, he got a lot of criticism for not accelerating, not being his own that he used to be. There was a need for somebody to hold one end up. If he had gone about his usual way of hitting fours and sixes, in case if he were to get out, there would have been tremendous amount of criticism upon him.

Dhoni has a glorious background where he has taken Indian cricket to the highest rung in Tests, 50 overs and 20 overs.

According to me, Rishabh Pant is too raw at the moment. He has to be groomed and nurtured properly in the domestic structure. You need people to guide him to show his natural ability. You cannot just be winning matches for your team with fours and sixes. You are not in the under-19 World Cup team. They should have guided him. He seems to be overconfident about his inclusion in the senior World Cup. No doubt he is very very talented. He has to be nursed nice and proper.

You need a guide like Dhoni to do it, he being of great support for youngsters.

I would like to reiterate that whatever Dhoni does, it cannot click all the time. You need to have luck, Whatever he touches turned gold. On that basis, luck cannot support you at all times. As cricket is a game of glorious certainties, with individuals, not all the time you can be in form. It will go the other way at some stage or the other.

Dhoni has to be around. Leave him alone. Let us not put pressure on him. The performance and consistency of a player should be looked into. Let that youngster come and take his place. I say, let the youngster come and learn under Dhoni.

Many guys including former cricketers have been criticising Dhoni, and it is not fair. You cannot say he has had enough and what more does he have to achieve. He is grooming the youngsters while they are in the team.I am all for Dhoni, leave the ball in his court to decide when he should retire.

Legendary Indian wicketkeeper Syed Kirmani spoke with G Krishnan