Sakshi Dhoni's latest Instagram post broke the internet on Sunday as one cannot help but think how lucky she is to have MS Dhoni as her husband. 


Sakshi posted pictures where the former captain was seen tying his wife's shoes.

She posted a series of pictures of Dhoni tying her shoes from different angles. "You paid for the shoes so you tie them too," Sakshi wrote on her post.

However, there were a set of people who did not agree with it. While a few slammed it as a publicity stunt, the others were hurt seeing their hero doing something like that.

"We are disappointed to find such photos of the man we respect so much in the world of cricket. We hope that you won’t make a man of his stature do such shameful things," one comment read. 

And a lot of fans suggested that Sakshi should not have shared a moment like this on social media. 

"Understand he is your husband and it was sweet of him to do it! Posting in social media is a little of ego boost kind of a post! There are certain things that are private and personal and hope your keep that sanity and respect and mature to not indulge again," another comment read.