It was in 2018, in Cape Town when the 'gentleman's game' was breached by some players of the Australian side. In the Test game against South Africa, three players - Steve Smith, David Warner, and Cameron Bancroft - had tried to tamper with the ball using sandpaper.


The trio surely faced consequences as both Smith and Warner were being suspended for a year. Smith also lost his captaincy to Tim Paine. As for Bancroft, who was spotted using the sandpaper hidden in his trousers, served a nine-month ban. However, this move just derailed his international career up to a certain extent. 

However, now three years later, Bancroft in an interview to The Guardian hinted that the Australian bowlers were aware of the plot. 

"I think, yeah, I think it's pretty probably self-explanatory," a hesitant Bancroft answered after being asked if the bowlers were aware of it. 

"Yeah, look, all I wanted to do was to be responsible and accountable for my own actions and part. Yeah, obviously what I did benefits bowlers, and the awareness around that, probably, is self-explanatory," he added. 

However, Bancroft also admitted that he had been even a little aware of the consequences, he would have made better decisions.