Nithin Kamath, the founder of Zerodha, shared on social media that he had a “mild stroke” around six weeks ago. He didn't pinpoint the exact cause but mentioned that his father's death, poor sleep, exhaustion, dehydration, and excessive exercise might have contributed.


The stroke caused his face to droop, and initially, he couldn't read or write. But he's gradually improving and expects a full recovery in 3 to 6 months.

This experience led him to rethink his fitness practices. He realized that even someone fit like him could be affected and learned the importance of knowing when to slow down.

Nithin has often emphasized the need for a healthy lifestyle. Through his foundation, Rainmatter, he supports initiatives promoting health, such as Fittr, which provides nutrition and fitness assistance to many Indians.

He had earlier stressed the benefits of strength training and the need for more Indians to engage in regular workouts. He also highlighted the connection between morning workouts and better food choices throughout the day.