Walmart on Monday announced that its Cyber Monday sale will this year start on Sunday. The retail store giant will now hope to snag holiday shoppers by pre-­poning the Cyber Monday deals a few hours earlier on Sunday according to ABC News report.


Walmart's Cyber Monday sale will begin on Sunday, November 29 at 8pm Eastern Time (ET), said the report.

This will enable it to capture some shoppers who are looking for online deals before they resume to work on Monday according to a report by Time. Cyber Monday has become a large shopping extravaganza as it begins just after Thanksgiving. The online shopping day is expected to grow by 11% and generate $3 billion across the retail industry this year, the report stated.

Fernando Madeira, president and CEO of in a statement to ABC News said, "It can be exhausting for working parents and millennials to stay up past midnight to shop online, only to wake up early the next day to get ready for work." He further added, "By starting 'Cyber Monday' hours earlier on Sunday evening and quadrupling the number of Cyber Monday specials, we're making it easier for customers to get ahead of the busiest online shopping day of the year and save on the best gifts."

The reason for Cyber Monday sales to be scheduled on Monday is the high­speed connection shoppers at work. However, Walmart is said to have taken the decision as shoppers now have faster internet connections in homes and smartphone stated a report by

Some of the deals for Cyber Monday include large discounts on expensive electronic items. The report listed some of the large deals on Walmart's Cyber Monday sale which includes Samsung LCD TV is being sold for $498, marked down from the list price of $700, Samsung Galaxy smartphone available for $99, down from $350, and Dell laptop for $319, down from $449.