A joint team of officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) have reached London to expedite the case of bringing beleaguered businessman Vijay Mallya back to India, sources told ANI. 


The move follows Mallya's brief arrest and quick bail on April 18 this year, by the London Police under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. At the time, the news was confirmed by the CBI. However, Mallya was given bail within the hour. 

Tweeting soon after his bail, Mallya tweeted:

He also went on to say: 

Mallya has been in London since March 2, 2016, when he fled the country to escape legal proceedings from several Indian investigative agencies as they started to close in on him. 

Acting on the CBI and Enforcement Directorate's (ED) plea, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) formally submitted papers for his extradition to the UK High Commission. The papers have been with the ministry's legal department for the past many months, according to PTI.

"We've today handed over the request for extradition of Vijay Mallya as received from the CBI to the UK High Commission in New Delhi. We have requested the UK side to extradite him to face trial in India," said MEA spokesperson Vikas Swarup at a press briefing.