With Nano billed as a people’s car, city transport experts are divided on the benefits or pain that will be caused by it on the streets.
Though the consensus is that the car will add pressure on the already congested roads, experts also say it will benefit rural India.

Additional metropolitan commissioner of  MMRDA, Milind Mhaiskar, said: “Though it is a fact that the entry of Nano in metro cities will put pressure on the already stretched infrastructure, one has to understand that the car can boost the rural economy,” he said.

Saying that Nano is a good compact car, transport expert Ashok
Datar said traffic restrain is a better solution compared to simply criticising the Nano.  “It is a fact that more bikers in the city will want to own a Nano, which may put pressure on roads. Instead of taking steps such as banning their entry, authorities should change rules related to road tax. At present, a car owner pays barely Rs140 as road tax, which should be increased,” Datar said.

“Rural areas are set to benefit from the tiny car. Wherever there are no issues of parking, Nano will be popular,” said an MMRDA official.