The US dollar ended sharply cheaper against the rupee at Rs44.70/71 per dollar and the pound sterling finished slightly lower at Rs69.31/33 per pound at the close of the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) in Mumbai today.
Updated : Mar 17, 2018, 06:23 AM IST
The US dollar ended sharply cheaper against the rupee at Rs44.70/71 per dollar and the pound sterling finished slightly lower at Rs69.31/33 per pound at the close of the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) in Mumbai today.
The following are the Interbank Forex and RBI rates:
(In Rupees Per Unit)
Unit Interbank RBI Reference
US Dollar 44.70/71 US dollar Rs44.81
Pound sterling 69.31/33 Euro Rs59.81.
Euro 59.79/81
Japanese Yen (100) 54.99/55.01