Even as the eight-day trucker strike, which came to an end on Monday, eased supplies of vegetable in the national capital, prices still ruled higher as compared to the first week of January.

Prices of some vegetables like brinjal doubled, while others rose in the range of 5-10 per cent in the wholesale market, according to an analysis of the data maintained by the Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC).

The wholesale prices of brinjal doubled to Rs 7.50 a kg as compared to Rs 3.75 a kg in the previous week.

Onion, tomato and potato rose up to Rs 2 a kg at Rs 17.25 a kg, Rs 7.75 a kg and Rs three a kg respectively. Seasonal vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower rose slightly to Rs four a kg and Rs 5.50 a kg respectively, the data showed.

Retail prices also showed a significant rise taking cues from the wholesale market. APMC Delhi chairman JK Bansal said, "There has been no problem in the supply of vegetables and fruits in the capital."

A similar view was expressed by independent traders at Azadpur wholesale market. They said that about 200 trucks arrived loading onion and potato on Monday.

The eight-day strike by transporters was called off on Monday after negotiations between the government and the representatives of the All India Motors Transport Congress (AIMTC).

Fruits also witnessed a similar trend. Prices of apple were ruling at Rs 44.50 a kg, banana at Rs 7.75 a kg, papaya at Rs eight a kg and kinno orange at Rs 20 a kg. While mosambi prices fell by Rs two to Rs 19 a kg.