In a candid revelation, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has disclosed his use of ketamine to combat periods of low mood, asserting its positive impact on his performance and consequently on investor interests. Speaking with former CNN anchor Don Lemon in a streamed interview on YouTube, Musk emphasised, referring to Tesla’s success, “From an investor standpoint, if there is something I’m taking, I should keep taking it.”


Ketamine, a drug prescribed for pain and depression, serves as a periodic treatment for Musk's described "chemical tides," akin to depression symptoms. Although recognised for its therapeutic properties, ketamine, at higher doses, can induce sedation and hallucinations, cautioning against potential risks including unconsciousness and respiratory depression.

Musk's revelation comes amidst prior reports in the Wall Street Journal, citing concerns within his companies over alleged recreational drug use. Dismissing these claims, Musk said, “whatever I’m doing, I should obviously keep doing it!”

Following the interview, social media platform X withdrew from a planned collaboration with Lemon, citing dissatisfaction with the interview's approach. Lemon, on the Pivot podcast, stated Musk's discomfort with inquiries regarding his ketamine use, a sentiment echoed in Musk's post on X criticising the interview format.

Elon Musk's candid disclosure not only sheds light on his personal health management but also underscores the complexities at the intersection of entrepreneurship.

Disclaimer: Ketamine should only be used under the supervision and prescription of a qualified healthcare professional.

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