In present times, every person needs a loan. In such a situation, when a person receives a message with a link to get a loan in just 5 minutes, many people click the link without thinking, but later they find out that their bank account has been emptied. For such people, the State Bank of India (SBI) has issued an alert.


Your account may be empty

Through its official Twitter account, SBI has warned that if users click on the instant loan link, the fraudsters can siphon off money from their account. SBI has said that if the message of loan in just five minutes has come on your mobile, then do not click it at all.

Beware of cyber criminals

There are many advantages to being digital but there are some disadvantages as well. In this era of Digital India, your account can be emptied with just one click. If you get a call from any person and claim that he is speaking to a bank and can get you a loan in just 5-10 minutes without paperwork, then you need to be careful. Any such mistake can cost you a lot, quite literally. Money can be deducted from your bank account and it can also happen that the balance in the account becomes zero.

What to do if you need a loan

If you need a loan, then it is better that you go to the bank and find out about the loan. If your documents are correct and CIBIL is also good, then the bank gives you a loan at a very low-interest rate. You can also know about the loan sitting at home. All registered banks have their own website on which you can find out about the loan. Apart from this, you can also get information by calling the official customer care number of the bank.