In a recent podcast episode titled "WTF Is with Nikhil Kamath," OYO founder Ritesh Agarwal shared profound insights into entrepreneurship, drawing inspiration from the legacy of Uday Kotak, a first-generation entrepreneur and banking magnate. 


Agarwal highlighted humility as the key to making significant decisions with modesty, asserting that humility and self-confidence can coexist harmoniously. Drawing parallels with stalwarts like Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, Agarwal emphasised the humility that characterised their approach to success, enabling them to continually strive for greatness without losing sight of their humility.

Agarwal underscored the three essential attributes embodied by Uday Kotak's generation: the willingness to delay gratification, the ability to resist instant pleasures like social media validation, and a profound appreciation for perseverance.

Delving deeper into the concept of delaying gratification, Agarwal addresses the societal pressures faced by 21-year-olds today, particularly the allure of instant validation through social media. He advocates for prioritising meaningful pursuits over fleeting pleasures, urging entrepreneurs to resist conforming to societal expectations and instead focus on their unique journeys.