NEW DELHI: Mother Dairy, a wholly-ownded subsidiary of National Dairy Development Board, is going for an ad blitzkrieg to promote its probiotic product,'b-active' curd which will be launched in the NCR region on Friday.

The company would distribute leaflets and launch awareness programmes by engaging doctors. It plans to target BPOs and office space for promotions. The company would also organise sampling exercise in shopping malls and entertainment centres.

"All these activities would be carried out along with regular ad campaigns in print, radio and television," Mother Dairy CEO Paul Thachil told.

Proboitics are products derived from bacteria and are considered to be healthy for digestion. Mother Dairy follows Nestle which launched its probiotic products on Thursday.

The company has earmarked Rs five crore for promotional activities in the next 12 months and has coined the tag-line "Happy tummy to you", he said.

Speaking about the campaign, he said, there is no existing market for the products in the country and we have to create awareness about these products and their benefits to consumers.

"Mother Dairy would introduce curd in the NCR region initially and depending upon the response, it will explore other market in the country," Thachil said.

The product would be manufactured at Mother Dairy's plant in Ghaziabad near here and would be available in all outlets I NCR selling Mother Dairy products in the region.