About 26,000 millennials surveyed across 181 countries by the World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed that the youth feel that corruption in the system and a lack of transparency in the government is the biggest driver of inequality in the world. 


In a report carried by the World Economic Forum, the survey results show that apart from corruption and low transparency in the government, lack of access to quality education for the masses, income inequality, discrimination based on gender and/ or sexual orientation, and political ideologies, made up the top five reasons for unequal opportunities for all, around the world. 

The survey saw participation from 26,000 young people across Africa, the Americas, Europe, Oceania and Asia. 

World Economic Forum

For the millennials in Asia, income inequality emerged as the primary reason for unequal opportunities. 

Over 60% of the respondents answered in the affirmative about corruption and lack of transparency being the primary cause of inequality. While only 7.5% said globalisation was the reason behind unequal opportunities.