Basudeo Singh stands as a titan in the Indian pharmaceutical landscape, renowned for his leadership in Alkem Laboratories. At 83 years old, he holds the position of executive chairman in a company boasting a market cap exceeding Rs 45,000 crore. Forbes estimates his net worth at Rs 19864 crore, yet Singh's journey to success was not without its trials.


Originating from Bihar, Singh initially pursued an academic career as a professor. However, destiny took a turn when he joined forces with his cousin, Samprada Singh, embarking on an entrepreneurial voyage that would redefine their destinies. Armed with a BA (Honours) and MA in political science from Patna University, Singh, alongside his brother, ventured into pharmaceutical distribution in their hometown in 1962. Encouraged by early victories, they ventured into establishing their pharmaceutical enterprise.

In a candid interview with Forbes, Singh reminisced about their humble beginnings, where with a mere Rs 5 lakh investment, they laid the foundation for Alkem Laboratories in Mumbai in 1973. Despite their newfound company, they retained their thriving distribution business. Leveraging their manufacturing capabilities, Alkem Laboratories surged to a revenue of Rs 10 crore by 1984.

A pivotal moment arrived when the company introduced Taxim, a medication combating various bacterial infections. Taxim's unprecedented success marked a watershed moment, becoming India's first anti-infective drug to surpass annual sales of Rs 100 crore. By 2008, Alkem Laboratories breached the Rs 1,000-crore revenue threshold.

Continuing its trajectory, Alkem Laboratories expanded through strategic acquisitions, including Pharmacor, Ascend Laboratories, and Enzene Biosciences. The company's landmark initial public offering (IPO) in 2015 and achievement of a $1 billion revenue milestone in 2019 underscored its ascendancy.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Alkem Laboratories thrived, particularly benefiting from its trade generics segment. Trade generics, dispensed directly through retailers and distributors without physician intervention, bolstered the company's resilience during challenging times.