Placement season at premier institutes of India, including Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) centres across the country are set to begin in the coming weeks and students of these institute are gearing up for interviews in order to bag job opportunities from best companies.


A X (formerly Twitter) post of a research intern at IIT Delhi has now gone viral in which the intern named Hrithik Talwar shared how he was offered a job by Zomato and the job offer was later withdrawn. According to Hrithik Talwar, executives from online delivery platform Zomato came to IIT Delhi campus few days ago and offered him a job with a package of Rs 1.6 crore for the role of an Algorithms Engineer. He added that Zomato later withdrew the job offer citing company constraints.

Hrithik’s post saw several retweets and comments from users with some X users asking whether he was actually offered a Rs 1.6 crore offer by Zomato or not. "Wasn't it supposed to be 16L and it got mistyped as 1.6 crore bruh," one user asked.

"1.6 crore package or 1.6 crore salary cause salary is a bit insane," another user wrote.

"I knew it was a marketing gig the moment I read the news. No way a company like Zomato can offer 1.6 crore to a fresher," commented a user.