The number of women entrepreneurs in India has grown significantly over the past 20 years, shattering gender stereotypes and succeeding in a variety of business sectors. Mrs. Rajni Bector, the founder of Mrs. Bector's Food Specialities Limited, is a prime example of this; she began her company with a small investment of Rs. 20,000 and has since established herself as one of the most successful in the FMCG industry. The Indian government recognized her inspirational journey as an entrepreneur and granted her the Padma Shri Award in January 2021.


Rajni Bector, the creator of well-known Indian brands like English Oven and Cremica, began her business career with little money but a lot of drive. Her parent company, Mrs. Bector's Food Specialities Limited, is valued at Rs 6681 crore in the market as of 2023. After the partition, Rajni, who was born in Karachi, Pakistan, in 1940, moved to Delhi. At the age of seventeen, she married and moved to Ludhiana, where her husband was managing the family business. Rajni had never worked in the food industry before, but she began by making and selling ice cream from her Ludhiana home. She later branched out into selling biscuits and other food items, and her perseverance paid off when she founded English Oven and Cremica. Her story serves as motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs who think that money is more important than motivation. In 1989, Rajni Bector's ice cream business experienced a significant upsurge, baking 50,000 loaves in a single day, despite facing fierce competition from other businesses in the market. 

The family business owned by Rajni Bector's husband, Dharamvir Bector, was also doing well, even as her bakery expanded. But it was 1984, and during the anti-Sikh riots that followed the assassination of India's former prime minister, Indira Gandhi, the Bector family started receiving death threats.

After her three sons entered boarding school, homemaker Rajni Bector pursued her passion for baking. She took a baking course at Punjab Agricultural University and began experimenting with various foods. In 1996, McDonald's chose her company, Mrs. Bector's Food Specialities Limited, as a permanent bun supplier to meet demand. In order to meet this demand, Rajni Bector opened a manufacturing facility in Greater Noida and established several more locations across the nation. In 2020, her company launched an IPO.