The new ad campaign for Kinley, the bottled water brand from the house of Coca Cola India, takes the premise of trust — a pitch that the company has stuck to since its launch six years back— one step forward.

The ad is a collection of short vignettes, with each one highlighting the position of trust — be it an insecure wife or a woman being offered a bottle of Kinley to break her hunger strike.

The first tagline of the brand was ‘100% trust’ was conceptualised by McCann Erickson, which was the firm’s agency of record (AOR) then.

McCann Erickson also gave Kinley its second tagline ‘Boond Boond Mein Vishwas’ in late 2002/early 2003. The brand then changed its agency to Ogilvy India, which continued using ‘Boond Boond Mein Vishwas’ as the brand’s tagline till 2008.
The new tagline, ‘Vishwas Karo’ has been created by Ogilvy India and continues using the trust premise, which has been the core of Kinley’s communication.

Mayur Hola, creative director, Ogilvy Delhi, says while a lot of advertising these days is light and frothy, Kinley is a brand with roots. “It has come to stand for something and can easily shoulder the weight of a message as important and meaningful as vishwas,” says Hola.

So why not move to a lighter proposition and move away from the trust factor?
Hola feels that a lighter proposition would actually dilute what the brand Kinley stands for, whereas the trust premise draws from and adds to the brand’s strength.

The bottled water category, per se, is quite generic. When a consumer wants to buy bottled water, he would ask for just that rather than specifying a certain brand name. Avinash Pant, director - Still Beverages, Coca-Cola India, agrees that the category is quite generic in those terms and says that Kinley’s new campaign intends to change just that. “This is where the packaging and the brand comes to life,” he says.

Besides television, the brand will focus heavily on point of sale. Other media such as print and radio will be used, depending on the market.

The ad film has been directed by Vinyl Mathew of Foot Candles Films, while Carolisa Monterio of ‘Rock On’ fame has lent her voice to the jingle. The lyrics are contributed by Amitabh Bhattacharya.