Facebook on Friday said its Messenger app now has 130 crore monthly users, an increase of 30 per cent in just over a year. 


With China having a population of 140 crore, Facebook messenger is just 10 crore subscribers behind to become as big as China. 

However, with current user base, the Facebook Messenger would now be at par with WhatsApp in terms of popularity. 

“We’ve continued working hard to make Messenger the best it can be, introducing new masks, filters and reactions for video chat,... making our virtual personal assistant available in more places around the world,” Facebook said in a post on Friday.

“We have rolled out ‘Instant Games’ more broadly and bringing ‘Messenger Lite’ to more countries. We also redesigned the Inbox so that all of your favourite features are front and centre making it easier to connect,” the Messenger post read.

Here is the full text of what Facebook announced: 

More than 1.3 billion people around the world now use Messenger every month. We've continued working hard to make Messenger the best it can be, introducing new masks, filters and reactions for video chat, more suggestions from M and making our virtual personal assistant available in more places around the world, rolling our more Instant Games more broadly and bringing Messenger Lite to more countries. We also redesigned the Inbox so that all of your favorite features are front and center making it easier to connect. We are very grateful to each and every one of you in the Messenger community for Messenger to reach the people and businesses you care most about. Thank you - and as always, please let us know how we can make Messenger even better for you.