Spotted for their "good looks and savvy business acumen", India-origin Rashmi Sinha, who is heading the slide sharing website SlideShare, has been named among America's 10 sexiest CEOs.

The list compiled by adult entertainment magazine PlayBoy features the most attractive women leading both small and large companies. Along with Sinha, the list features lingerie retail company Journelle's Claire Chambers, fitness lifestyle firm Flirty Girl Fitness' Kerry Knee and 'how-to-video' site Graspr's Teresa Phillips., an affiliate of PlayBoy Enterprises which publishes the magazine, announced the list recently. The list has "beautiful women in charge of companies
large and small; women whose good looks and savvy business acumen add a bit of sunshine to an otherwise gloomy economic forecast," PlayBoy said in a statement.

Sinha, who has a doctorate in neuroscience, started SlideShare in 2007. The website lets users store and share presentations on the web, making them accessible anywhere.
Among others on the list are Julie Smolyansky, the chief of diary products maker Lifeway Foods, and Alyssa Rapp, the head of 'wine shopping/recommendation' site Bottlenotes.

"A fan of Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle and Arrested Development, Rashmi's previous work used online gaming in client research. We will use that excuse the next
time the boss catches us playing World of Warcraft," the report said.

Meanwhile, in her blog, Sinha has mentioned that she is "originally from India and think of both San Francisco and Delhi as home".

The chief of adult film company Femme Productions' Candida Royalle, digital marketing firm Consorte Media's Alicia Morga, lingerie retail chain Victoria Secret Megabrand's Sharen Turney and market research entity Buzz Marketing Group's Tina Wells also feature on the list.