Everyone wants to see their cars sparkling and squeaky clean but going to a professional car cleaning service every month is not easy on the pocket. Here is an easier way to wash your car using some very basic household items:


Things you need:

Shampoo, a microfibre cloth, baking soda, cleaning alcohol (available at a neighbourhood chemist), drinking soda, a cleaning mop, a stiff brush.Get started:

1 First, park your car in a cool dry place (to prevent the cleaning agent from drying prematurely and leaving soapy stains on your car).

2 Add two to three teaspoons of shampoo in a bucket of water and mix.

3 It's advisable to start from the top and work your way down the car.

4 A cleaning mop is ideal to clean the roof and hood of the car.

5 Next, the windows and the windshield. Dip a soft cloth in the mixture mentioned above and start cleaning. (Never apply the mixture on the entire surface, as soap dries quickly)

6 Spray some water at the end to get rid of the soapy mixture and wipe your car gently with a dry cloth. Avoid using a brush to clean the car and the windows as it will leave scratches.

7 For gleaming windshields, rub some cleaning alcohol on them. Dry them with a cloth later. A glass cleaner would work just as well.

8 If you smoke in your car, add some baking soda to your car's ash tray to get rid of any lingering smell. The baking soda combats this, leaving your car with a fresh scent.

9 You can also use drinking soda or detergent to get rid of the stains from your car's upholstery.

10 Also, it is best to clean dirty car tyres with a stiff brush and soapy water.

11 Don't forget to take a shower after you are done bathing your car!