Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Ltd, a subsidiary of Japanese appliance major Hitachi Appliance Inc, is all set to roll out ‘Set Free’, its VRF (variable refrigerant flow) range of air conditioners, in India.


The product will be manufactured at the company’s facility in Kadi, Gujarat, with commercial production commencing in June this year.

The move is likely to strengthen Hitachi’s presence in the commercial air-conditioner market, where, the company said, there is consistent demand for intelligent VRF cooling solutions. Through the ‘Set Free’ range, the company plans to target the premium residential sector that demands cooling solutions along with aesthetic value, energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Initially, the company will manufacture the VRF range with hot air discharge from the side.

Subsequently, traditional outdoor units with provisions of hot air discharge from the top will be added to the production plan, Hitachi said.