Google, the search giant, is working on incorporating bitcoins into its payment solutions notwithstanding the controversy surrounding the virtual currency."We are working in the payments team to figure out how to incorporate bitcoin into our plans,"Sridhar Ramaswamy from Google Payments, told Jarar Malik, a bitcoin enthusiast and founder of J.A.M Studios, a music studio.Malik also conducted a survey at the behest of Google, which showed that users wanted the search firm to incorporate bitcoins into its payment solutions.About 5,935 people submitted 1,395 suggestions and cast 52,960 votes, in the survey that was commissioned by Ariel Bardin, V-P, Google Payments.Interestingly, in the survey most users wanted Google to incorporate Dogecoin, one of the fastest growing crypto-currency.The top echelons at Google too share the enthusiasm about virtual currencies.Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, feels crypto-currency should be more influential. Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas, also says crypto-currencies, not necessarily bitcoins, are inevitable at Google and everywhere, but it needs more regulation. Both Schmidt and Cohen recently wrote a book called "The New Digital Age" and are on a book tour.