What is the best country to live in the world? According to the Best Countries reports released at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, it is Germany. 


The WEF examined around 60 countries in the world across 24 categories keeping in mind these criteria- sustainability, adventure, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, heritage, movers, open for business, power, quality of life and economic influence. 

According to The Washington Post report, more than 16,200 people were surveyed to gather the data, including 4,500 business leaders who are senior leaders in their organisations and the rest were the general public.

The most powerful and influential country came fourth in the list- the United States of America, right behind Britain and Canada which ranked third and second respectively.

Here are the top 10 countries to live in 2016:

1. Germany2. Canada3. United Kingdom4. United States5. Sweden6. Australia7. Japan8. France9. Netherlands10. Denmark

India ranked 22nd but topped the list for its up-and-coming economy, thanks to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his initiatives. India is followed by Portugal, Russia and Israel which rank 23, 24 and 25 respectively.

Sweden ranked first for being the best country for citizenship, raising kids and green living. Brazil topped for adventure, Luxembourg for starting a new business, France for cultural influence, Germany for entrepreneurship, Canada for quality of life and Italy for heritage. But Germany scored highest overall.