Dharma Systems Inc., a New Hampshire-based software development company represented in India through its subsidiary Dharma Systems Pvt. Ltd., has forayed into the niche personality development programme arena through its subsidiary -- Dharma Life Sciences LLC.


An offshoot of the 25-year-old software company, Dharma Life Sciences is a thought leader engaged in personal development programmes for corporations.

Based on scientific research, Dharma Life Sciences' programmes seek to move boundaries placed on employees by their genes, environment and mind to help them attain their career goals.The company's programmes are structured to deliver first of its kind Trait Skills Management Programme which helps employees, and eventually their organisations, increase productivity and efficiency to achieve their goals, according to Dharma Life Sciences Founder & CEO J Sasidhar.Elucidating on the company's offering, Sasidhar explained that organisations and employees, have aspirations and goals that they want to accomplish. To realise these goals both the organisation and the employees bank upon two prized skill sets - technical and soft skills. The right combination of technical skills and soft skills, determined by the job role is just the starting point for productive employees, Sasidhar noted.“Although an organisation's employees have technical and soft skills to perform their jobs, they are not sufficient without a third skill-set,” observed Sasidhar, stating that Trait Skills, proven through scientific and field research experience, help employees develop into an efficient, productive workforce.Dharma Life programmes, Sasidhar said, identify and develop trait skills required to increase the efficiency of employees and make them into coherent, productive group for the organisation. The programmes, he says, are based on scientifically proven actions, which are seamlessly integrated with other development goals currently established within an organisation.With a success rate of 70% per individual Dharma Life Sciences programmes has proven effective, currently helping over 1,000 employees from various organisations, adds Sasidhar.

About Dharma Life Sciences

Dharma Life Sciences was floated as a group within Dharma Systems in 2013 to explore the boundaries placed on a person by their genes, environment, mind and luck.

Given the success of research efforts and the potential for a large market for its products, the group was spun off as a separate entity.

Dharma Life Sciences LLC was created as Delaware Corporation in July 2015 with its first office in New York City.

The Indian operations will be spun out this year to form Dharma Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. as a subsidiary of Dharma Life Sciences LLC.

About Dharma Systems

Dharma Systems Inc. New Hampshire Corporation and Dharma Systems Pvt. Ltd. its Indian subsidiary were formed in 1987.

Dharma was one if the first companies to develop software in India and market it internationally.

Dharma has licenced software to a number of large OEM’s including Alcatel Lucent, Unisys, Hewlett-Packard, Royal Philips, Fidelity Investments, Versant, BMC Software, Advent and FairCom. Dharma/SQL was the first product capable of opening up proprietary databases and allows OEM’s to integrate the software into their products and distribute to their end users.