Century Plyboards net profit for the fourth quarter ending March 17' jumped 34.4 per cent to Rs 55.91 crore over the corresponding period last year.


Net Revenue from operations for the quarter under review was Rs 488.54 crore, a rise of 9.3 per cent over the corresponding period revenue of Rs 447.06 crore, the company today said.

"In the Q4 period, we booked forex gain of Rs 14 crore helping our profit to jump by 34 per cent. Despite so many challenges in the last financial year like demonetisation, slowdown in realty and competition from the unorganised sector, we have overcome all of that and ended up with better turnover and better net margin," Century Ply chairman Sajjan Bhajanka said.

He said the first quarter of the current fiscal is showing remarkable growth in demand.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)