PARIS: Fourteen European countries colluded in a 'global spider's web' of secret CIA prisons and transfers of terrorism suspects, a European rights watchdog said on Wednesday.

European states played an active or passive role in operations run by the US Central Intelligence Agency and were not merely unwitting victims of the operation, the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe said in a report on its web site. 

"It is now clear -- although we are still far from having established the whole truth -- that authorities in several European countries actively participated with the CIA in these unlawful activities," Swiss Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty said in the report. 

"Other countries ignored them knowingly, or did not want to know," he said in the conclusions of the 65-page report that he is to present to a news conference in Paris at 1100 GMT.

The report pointed the finger at a number of states for 'active or passive' collusion with the network of secret flights and renditions that snared European states.

They include:- Poland and Romania on the running of secret detention centres,  Germany, Turkey, Spain and Cyprus for being 'staging points' for flights involving the unlawful transfer of detainees; Ireland, Britain, Portugal, Greece and Italy for being 'stopovers' for flights involving the unlawful transfer of detainees; Sweden, Bosnia, Britain, the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia, Germany and Turkey were cited in relation to cases involving specific individuals.