The acronym fcuk first came about when a fax from a French Connection Hong Kong store was sent to the French Connection United Kingdom office.

That is, “fchk” addressed the fax to “fcuk”.

Company officials in ol’ Blighty caught on to the immense possibilities of the suggestive acronym. The brand made headlines with its rebellious and kinky ideas in the late nineties, when it first came out with “fcuk fashion”.

Innovation on these lines has continued over the years.  Fcuk entered India in April 2007. While globally, it has defined fashion for more than three decades, being the symbol of style and aspiration for millions, it is now looking to make people in India more aware of the brand and its ethos, as well as leverage its bold advertising through mass communication channels.

Stephen Marks, chairman and CEO of French Connection United Kingdom, recounted the journey in an email interview with Tanvi Shukla and explains what he expects from new markets such as India. Excerpts:

In 35 years, how has the French Connection United Kingdom brand evolved globally?
Founded in 1972, French Connection UK set out to create well-designed fashionable clothing that appeals to a broad market. Today, it is one of the strongest brands on the British high street and operates in over 25 countries. With more than 1,500 outlets worldwide, French Connection is emerging as a global fashion brand. Having established a strong core clothing business, French Connection has over the recent years expanded its portfolio into new areas including men’s and women’s toiletries and sunglasses. We have an irreverent attitude and our own sense of humour that is reflected in our advertising and stores.

The brand evolves each season with new collections, new campaigns and clever use of the logo; yet we remain true to our design ethos. When consumers shop at French Connection, they buy into a piece of the brand philosophy, knowing that they won’t be able to get the same piece elsewhere.

What was the turning point in fcuk’s journey?
A controversial ad campaign featuring the simple line ‘fcuk fashion’ hit the headlines in 1997 and when ‘fcuk advertising’ followed hot on its heels, the attitude of the brand was established. The whole business is borne of a desire to be original, distinctive and accessible. Whether fcuk has shocked or amused, it certainly made you think. It demonstrates how French Connection has given personality to its brand, a rare achievement on today’s crowded high street. Since then fcuk has become interchangeable with French Connection as the brand name and identity.

Does your acronym make it easier for you to enter a new market?
Bold, witty and intelligent... the communication clearly established a brand identity which has resulted in top of the mind recall. So in many new geographies, this recall value has helped create familiarity at the time of the launch.

Has the slowdown affected buying patterns?
The fashion retail market is hitting difficult times around the world and especially in the UK and the US. However, with the quality of the products on our shelves, we are succeeding in attracting more customers despite the contraction of the market. In the UK, our French Connection ladies’ wear sales grew by 8% in the first half of the year and that growth has continued into the second half.

What importance do new markets hold in the growth and strengthening of French Connection as a brand and a business?
Our recent entry into India and China, both markets heralded by fashion retailers as the “next Japan”, will help us strengthen the brand further.  Moreover, an emerging market like India has achieved one of the fastest growth rates in the last 3-5 years and this is manifested in the changing needs and aspirations of many Indians. Considering that the Indian consumer is very well travelled and aware, he/she is constantly seeking the best of international trends and fashion among others. Therefore, our foray was a logical step in the overall expansion plan

You entered India in April 2007. Do you think you should have been here earlier?
Earlier, our consumers shopped from our stores in the UK, the US, Japan and Hong Kong. It is this constant need stated by our consumers and the international shopping by Indians that made us believe it’s a worthwhile proposition to enter India last year. Retail in India comes with its own set of challenges and for us to provide our customer with the same international experience was no different. From the right places to finding the right personnel is a challenge in an industry which is at a nascent stage. Therefore, we decided to mark our foray when the right opportunity arose in association with the Murjani Group.

Have you ever been to India? What was your first impression like?
In the early days of French Connection, I used to travel to India often and have retained many friendships with the people I met then, many of whom still supply the business with top quality garments. I have very fond memories of working in India and it is especially pleasing to me to be able to bring the French Connection brand to Indian retail, having worked with Indian suppliers for so many years.