Usha Ramaswamy, Director & General Manager, General Insurance Corporation of India


How easy or hard was it to rise to the top?

The climb up the corporate ladder is as easy or as hard irrespective of whether you are a man or a woman. My career in the industry has been relatively free of discrimination. The climb has been long and slow, but this can perhaps be said of the career progression in a public sector industry.

What are the typical obstacles?

It is possible that some women managers are being held back and maybe even being forced to drop out of the race. This is probably because of the commitment to family or the lack of a strong support system at home, which impedes them from achieving their true potential. It is also possible that the compulsory transfer and mobility policy, while beneficial in a way for both organisation and professionals, can cause disruptions and impediments for women trying to balance both profession and family. Personally, I have been very fortunate in having a very supportive family throughout my career. I was able to strike a balance between being able to be spend time with my family, as well as being able to enjoy my work.

What tips would you give young women managers?

Be confident and don't feel shy of taking credit whenever it is rightfully due to you. Stop feeling guilty that you are responsible for things that go wrong at home. Find the right work life balance line, which can be elusive and variable for each one of us. For this, prioritisation areas in both spheres would be necessary.